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Birth preparations
3 x 1,5 hour birth preparations
1 time 30 min1 tim 30 minModer Jord Gaia|Hjemme hos dig selv
1.999 danske kroner
1.999 kr.
You can chose to receive this session in the comfort of your home or in my cozy home clinic. I drive to all parts of Zealand. If you chose to have the session in your own home, a driving fee will be charged at the end of our session: Up to 20 km from my clinic: 250 DKK Up to 100km from my clinic: 450 DKK
Hvis du vil ændre eller aflyse din tid, skal du gøre dette senest 24 timer inden din aftale for at få dine penge refunderet eller aftalen rykket. Derefter vil aflysninger/ændringer blive 100% opkrævet.
Moder Jord Gaia - Roskilde, Sønderlundsvej 18, Roskilde, Denmark
Sjælland, Danmark
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